advisory council

The Advisory Council comprises of representatives from academia, patient advocacy groups, industry, and trade associations, who provide strategic guidance for the partnership. Members of the Advisory Council contribute to discussions on sustainability and operations, serving as a consultative body for the leadership council.

advisory council members

Oita Coleman

Senior Advisor, Open Voice TrustMark Initiative

Andrea Downing

Co-Founder of The Light Collective

John D. Halamka

President, Mayo Clinic Platform

Christopher Khoury

Vice President, Strategic Insights at AMA

Kate Kellogg

David J. McGrath jr (1959) Professor of Management and Innovation, MIT

Dominic H. Mack

Professor Family Medicine, Director National Center for Primary Care, Morehouse School of Medicine

Steve Miff

President & CEO, PCCI

Corey Miller

Vice President of R&D, Epic

Deb Raji

UC Berkeley

Fanny Sie

Head of AI and Emerging Technology External Collaborations, Roche

Jennifer Stoll

Chief of External Affairs, OCHIN

Tommy Wang

Healthcare and Organizational Economist