Josh Lemieux

As program director of research collaborations at OCHIN, Josh Lemieux has extensive experience in partnerships across academic institutions, government agencies, pharma, tech industry, and non-profits. His career spans health innovation, patient engagement, and coalition-building roles at Intel Corporation, Markle Foundation, WebMD, and Mayo Clinic. At the Markle Foundation, he served as lead staff of the Work Group on Consumer Engagement to develop a collaborative framework to improve individual access to electronic personal health information. He drafted policy and technology recommendations for the “blue button,” which won endorsements from 50+ organizations and multiple federal agencies.

As GM of Consumer Health at Intel, he served as executive sponsor of projects that pioneered use of wearables and artificial intelligence to create new biometric measures of tremor and gait symptoms and track medication response in clinical trials on 1000+ Parkinson’s patients.

At OCHIN, the nation’s largest Epic EHR network for community-based health centers, Lemieux leads partnership efforts in the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Consortium to Advance Health Equity and Researcher Diversity (AIM-AHEAD). He also is OCHIN’s representative on a Data Use Committee of the Community Engaged Alliance (CEAL) Against COVID-19 Disparities. These roles require collaboration on research data access and sharing policies across institutions.