AI Bill of Rights

Mapping AI Bill of Right’s requirements on the HAIP Guides

AI Bill of Rights PrinciplesRequirementHAIP Guides
Safe and effective systemsMulti-stakeholder involvement

Identify risks

Pre-deployment testing, risk mitigation


Domain specific use

Public documentation of safety
Identify problems across the organization

Identify potential downstream impacts

Evaluate internal resources for adoption

Define the role of AI

Locally validate prior to integration

Identify and mitigate risks

Disseminate information to end users

Prevent inappropriate use of the AI product

Monitor AI performance

Audit AI solutions and work environment

Identify potential risks
Algorithmic discrimination preventions

Ensure systems are equitable

Assess for equity issues

Clear organizational oversight

Continuous testing

Transparent reporting and impact assessments
Prioritize problems

Identify potential downstream impacts

Determine suitability of technical approaches

Assess quality of external AI products

Define performance targets

Locally validate prior to integration

Identify and mitigate risks

Determine if AI should be integrated

Monitor AI performance

Monitor work environment

Audit AI solutions and work environment

Identify potential risks

Disseminate information about updates to end users
Data privacyIndividual agency in data collection and use

Transparent communication about user data

Follow ethical review

Document data decisions
Assess viability of buying or building

Assess legal risks

Define the role of AI

Define performance targets

Disseminate information to clinical end users

Disseminate information about updates to end users
Notice and explanationAccessible documentation

Communicate outcomes and updates

Notify affected parties

Public information accessible
Audit investment decisions

Define performance targets

Disseminate information to clinical end users

Audit AI solutions and work environment

Minimize disruptions from decommissioning

Disseminate information about updates to end users
Human alternatives, considerations, and fallbacksAbility to opt out of technological systems
Available human alternatives
Tailor systems to purpose
Maintain system oversight
Public document on human governance
Define the role of AI

Design and test workflow for clinicians

Prevent inappropriate use of AI

Monitor AI performance

Monitor work environment

Audit AI solutions and work environment

Determine if updating or decommissioning is necessary

Minimize disruptions from decommissioning